Monday 13 December 2010


1.I chose English Language and Literature because I did well on the subject in my CXC examinations so thought I it would be easy to carry on as an A level

2. I like and dislike the subject because it entails me expressing myself which is hard and not a frequent thing that I do.

3. I enjoyed Othello and The Handmaid's Tale as they had a nice story line.

4. The mix of discussion and writing on the course is good as it gets boring when we only write but discussing lets us learn things we could not identify ourselves.

5. Yes I do.

6. If I am really stuck , I would glimpse but not copy how someone's began their piece of work so I get an idea of how to begin my writing. yes, there is a difference because I can edit my work easier than on paper.

7. My approach to writing essays is understanding what the essay requires me to do.

8.I can get ideas on what the book is about and other views from the blog and other online features.

Subjugation of Women essay

Subjugation of Women

Sunday 12 December 2010

Introduction + Paragraph 1 of Essay

Compare and Contrast the ways in which Chaucer and Atwood portray the characters of Serena Joy and The Wife of Bath.
Geoffrey Chaucer and Margret Atwood portray two female characters in their books “The Wife of Bath’s Prologue & Tale” and “The Handmaid’s Tale” respectively. The writers as well as the characters they write about both come from different cultural backgrounds and time periods but have similarities in their characters which are apparent through the writer’s language choices. In this essay, the portrayal of The Wife of Bath and Serena Joy by their writer’s will be explored through character analysis.

In “The Wife of Bath’s Prologue” and “The Handmaid’s Tale”, The Wife and Serena Joy are similar in character because they are both manipulative. They use their manipulation in different ways and for different outcomes. The Wife manipulates her husbands to get her own way and the things that she wants whether it is tangible or intangible. The Wife says,
"Baar I stifly mine olde housbondes on honde
That thus they seyden in her dronkenesse;
And al was fals, but that I took witnesse.
...O Lord! the peyne I dide hem and the wo
Ful gilteless, by Goddes sweet pine!"
The quote means that the Wife had her husband where she wanted, lied to them, caused them pain and did not feel guilty about it. This open admittance of her manipulation shows that she does not care about her husband’s emotions but only her own as it benefits her. The verb, pain, connotes that she caused physical pain or hurt which suggests that what she does to her husband is hurtful and inconsiderate. Her tone is very casual and unmoved by what she is admitting. The Wife’s manipulation links with the idea of having mastery over her husbands and overall her marriages as she has to tell them lies while they are drunk and feeling no remorse against this. The reaction of the reader is that the Wife is very confident about herself in terms of the relationship she has with her husband considering that she is telling an audience on a pilgrimage that she is this was with her husband. Similarly, in ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’, Serena Joy manipulates others around her as well for her personal gain."Maybe you should try it another way...Another man, she says...Maybe I could get something for you...A picture...Of her...Your little girl. But only maybe". The quotation means that Serena Joy was directing Offred, who is her handmaid, to have sexual intercourse with the household’s guard in order for her to procreate for herself and husband. The offering to Offred, a picture of her daughter, acts as an incentive or a tease to give in and have sexual intercourse with Nick. The repetition of the adverb, maybe, illustrates that Serena is ‘stringing along’ Offred in order for her to get the baby which will make her happy and will also get her a little light in the social scene in society. This manipulation seems to the reader that it is desperation for Serena to have a child because she deceives her husband therefore defying societies’ values and also the values of marriage. Although, the Wife and Serena Joy both manipulate people around them for different reasons their approaches to it are for personal gain.

Thursday 9 December 2010

Essay Plan-Still under construction!

Compare and Contrast the ways in which Chaucer and Atwood portray the characters of Serena Joy and Wife of Bath.

Atwood portrays the two characters differently but at the same shows elements that are relatable to both of them.


Paragraph 1- Point-(Manipulative)
W.O.B-Deceives her husbands by lying, using sex and makes them feel guilty.

"Baar I stifly mine olde housbondes on honde-------Lines 380-387
That thus they seyden in her dronkenesse;
And al was fals, but that I took witnesse.
O Lord! the peyne I dide hem and the wo
Ful gilteless, by Goddes sweet pine!"

Openly admitting that she manipulates her husband by making him feel guilty and lying to them when he is 'drunk'. Embraces that she does. Shows how her attitude to him is very little.Links with the power/influence she has over them;dominaring character. Maybe as she has been married at such a young age and exposed to being sexual, she has no shame about speaking about it so openly. This can explain this quality about her. Her gap-tooth connotes her sexual behaviour so seems somewhat apart of her physical as well.

T.H.T- "Maybe you should try it another way...Another man, she says." Page 215
"Maybe I could get something for you...A picture..Of her...Your little girl.But only maybe" Page 216

In order to get baby she offers Offred an incentive of a picture of her daughter in order for her to get a baby quicker. She believes that the Commander has become sterile so she wants her chances to be many by Offred sleeping with Nick who is younger than he is. It seems that she is in need and not want of a child for maybe personal reasons like longing, and/or recognition from other wives. She not only decieves the handmaid for her own personal gain but also her husband which shows her desperation for a child and the length she will go to get her way in her oppressive household.

 Paragraph 2-Point(Bold personalities)
W.O.B-Wife speaking openly about sex to her audience
Will establish the connotations of BOLD for both Serena Joy and the Wife of Bath at the beginning of the point.

Mention of her 'Quoniam' Line 608 in the presence of a friar, nun, pardoner. This adjective to describe her private part shows commoness and a general 'i don't care' attitude towards her audience which re-enforces her bold personality. It seems that the Wife has no respect or consideration for others ideologies and practices. Will link to the theme of women’s power. Open power, calls herself a ‘poweress’. Even though society is patriarchal she will confine herself to this type of society. Link to Feminist perspective of the Wife.

 T.H.T\Treatment towards Offred on arrival
“So, your the new one...She didn’t step aside to let me in, she just stood there in the doorway, blocking the entrance.” + “I want to see as little of you as possible, she said” Page 25.

Can only be ‘bold’ towards the people in her household but not her husband. As Gilead is a patriarchal society, she cannot be bold or disobey her husband. Atwood does not mention any incidents where Serena is rude or bold to husband. This is done on purpose. The handmaid threatens Serena’s status thus her standing her ground when she first meets Offred. Will explore the connotations of BLOCKING. Will link to the theme of women’s power. Serena has power but is very limited/confined to the handmaid and household.

Paragraph 3-Point(Loves, enjoys craft)
“Of clooth-making she hadde swich an haunt,
She passed hem of Ypres and of Gaunt.”

Quote shows that the Wife used the making of cloth as a way of conducting business. Extravagant lace and cloth makes the Wife look like she is boastful of her skill and adds to her elaborate character. This shows another element of the Wife having power in her society as she is apart of such a trade. This trade and skill makes the Wife less dependable on men therefore her being able to cope on her own.

“Sometimes the Commander’s Wife has the chair brought out, and just sits in it, in her garden.” And “This garden is the domain of the Commander’s Wife.” Page 22.

Although the two enjoy doing craft work, Serena Joy does it as a hobby and not as a business as compared with the Wife because she cannot exert her power and expertise of Gardening in the same was that the Wife can ; who is bashful and can tell about her cloth making.

Paragraph 4-Point(Jealous)
WOB- “He hadde a book that gladly, night and day,”. Line 609.

Jealous that she doesn’t have his attention at night. Content of book, how ironic it is mention. How sentence is phrased, night before day. Quote shows how piteous the Wife is when she does not have control or power over her husbands. Comes down to her mastery. Does not consider the feelings or even the intellect that Jankin has as he is a clergy and will b interested in books of all kinds. Links to the point of her being self-absorbed.

T.H.T-“The rings of her left hand cut into my fingers. It may or not be revenge”. Page 104.Left hand is marriage hand-symbolic.

“Get up and get out”. Page 106. -Jealously, hatred and insecurity. Repetition of imperative, get, makes her sound even more serious and jealous as it seems that she cant wait to get rid of her.( as she said from the beginning that she wants to see as little of her as possible-)

Paragraph 5-Point-(Self-absorbed/Pompous)
WOB- “I was a lusty oon,
and faire, and riche, and young, and wel bigon
and trewely as mine housbondes tolde me,
I hadde the beste quoniam might be”



Paragraph 6- Point Wife ‘enjoys’ sex more than Serena
W.O.B\ 'quonium' reference + she cud never pass up a good fellow. Mention about her being 'Gap-toothed' is emphasis on her enhanced sexuality as that was society's perception of it.
Embraces her sexuality and private parts. Openly expresses feelings about sex and men and women and justifies her speech by mentioning that
"Al were it good no womman for to touche,-
He mente as in his bed or in his couche;
For peril is bothe fyr and tow t'assemble:
Ye knowe what this ensample may resemble."

The openness about her sexual appetitie is not stereotypical to the women of her time as they were not supposed to be like that, if so were labelled prostitutes. 

T.H.T\ attitude towards Offred at the Ceremony. Chapter 16- (description)
Sexual oppression and purpose of sex in Gilead.

Paragraph 7-Serena has more traditional values even though the W.O.B is from the 14th century

W.O.B\ she doesn't conform to society's view of a 'woman' or 'mother figure'

T.H.T\she is more about the value that society say is instilled in a 'woman'

Paragraph 8-How Passionate personalities are
W.O.B- use of language suggests happiness and warmth.
T.H.T- cold in character-reactions and conformity

Thursday 2 December 2010


Identify three ways in which Religion is misquoted or misused?
Religion is a prominent theme in the novel, The Handmaid’s Tale, as the society is a Theocracy. A theocracy is a government based on a religion. In the case of Gilead, this society is based on the Christian faith. Throughout the novel, references to the Bible are made. However, they are usually misquoted or misused in order to fit in to what they want and/or are speaking about.
An example where religion is misused and misquoted is when the Commander says at the Ceremony, "God to Adam, God to Noah. Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth." This quote means that the Commander is telling his listeners that the Samaritans in the bible did the same as what Gilead's principle's state. The direct mention of the nouns, seems like the Commander is justifying the act of 'state rape' by saying that holy figures are preaching this to them. The lexis of reproduction, reinforces the idea that what they are about to do is the correct thing because the bible says to procreate and makes it seem appropriate. The repetition of the conjunction, and, also shows that there are endless references to Gilead's principles thus justifying the act again.
Another example of where religion is misused or misquoted is again before the Ceremony when the Commander says, "Blessed be the poor in spirit, for theirs in the in kingdom of heaven. Blessed are the merciful. Blessed are the meek. Blessed be the silent. Blessed be those that mourn, for they shall be comforted.” This quote means that God is acknowledging all people in society. The repetition of the adjective, blessed, connotes that God will overlook the handmaids and reward them for being a handmaid. This makes the handmaid feel that her being apart of such a job is a good thing and thus would be submissive to their Commander and society. The short sentences gives the effect that God is blessing a lot of the people in Gilead and is not forgetting or ignoring anyone. The adjectives such as meek, mourn and silent describes the different types of people in Gilead and by the Commander saying that they are recognized in the bible will make the citizens feel that there is hope for them and that Gilead is good.
"Behold my maid Bilhah, go in unto her; and she shall bear upon my knees, that I may also have children by her”. This quote demonstrates that Serena Joy is giving the Commander right to sleep with Offred. The modal verb, shall, connotes that there is no questioning whether or not the handmaid will deny the Commander of entering her. This reference to this in the bible again justifies the act of 'state rape'. Offred may feel that this is her duty and will follow with no remorse their practices.