Monday 11 October 2010

Chapter 18-Short passage

The passage has the repetition of the pronoun, I, which connotes to the reader that Offred is thinking about herself quite deeply;not in a selfish way but on reflection on what was just done to her. It makes the reader feel sympathy for Offred as she feels lonely.

Her use of the simile comparing herself and the sound of a rim of a glass shows that she feels hollow and somewhat 'thin'. The sound of a glass rim is not a very pleasant sound to the ear so for her to compare herself to this shows that she feels like she is not worthy. This can be also seen in other parts of the book; her feeling hollow and not complete as a person.

The typography of the passage is very basic but it include the adjective shatter in an italic which makes her feelings apparant to the reader. The way in which the writer structures the passage suggests that she wants the readers to feel that Offred is angry.


  1. WWW- Good comparison to the glass and Offreds state

    EBI- Included what the effect of the comparison of the glass does to the readers.

  2. A good start to the analysis. I wonder if the pic n mix helped or hindered you in this exercise?

    I think you have started to use the text here as a spring board into deeper analysis of character throughout the book. You will need to develop this skill particularly in your essay writing.

    Don't be afraid of using short quotation more.

    Could the repetition of I also connect with the need of the individual to re-establish her own identity after such an identity denying experience as the ceremony? Might the short sentences almost mirror the shallow breathing of Offred as she relives the emotions of that time?
