Thursday 11 November 2010

A photograph of a 'family' with an example of its composition

A photograph of a 'family' with an example of its composition

Left-to-right: Offred, Rita, Commander, Serena Joy, Nick, Cora

The Commander is the highest of authority in the household as well as Gilead. He is married to Serena Joy who runs the operations in the household. Rita and Cora serve as waiting women who ensure that Serena's operations are undergone. Offred acts as a 'baby-maker' for the Commander and his wife.(This is a acceptable in Gilead). Nick is the bodyguard of the household and protects the people in it.


  1. WWW - Included everyone by name and described their positions well
    EBI - Could have been a bit longer

  2. WWW: Good detail and status ordering

    EBI: could have been a bit longer?


  3. www- clear explanation of their status and what they play in society.

    Ebi- wrote why they are standing in the positions they are.

  4. www: named everyone and their roles
    ebi: could have been a bit longer

  5. WWW- Like the simple description of each character Cherry
    EBI- if it was lil longer.. just a lil? :)
